Journey Kids

What to Expect

A Place where your child’s “Journey” of the Knowledge and Understanding of God’s Word is launched, nurtured, and cultivated.

Journey Kids is founded upon Proverbs 3:13,
“Happy is the man that findeth Wisdom, and the man that getteth Understanding.”

We endeavor to provide your child with all the necessary resources to assist them in developing in the Word and growing into strong, faithful, mature Christians.

Journey Kids has a concentrated area of study designed to engage, educate, and inspire them as they grow in the knowledge of God’s Will for their lives.

Age Groups

Journey Kids is for children 3 Years Old through 5th Grade. Journey Kids students are promoted to the next grade level at the end of each scholastic school year. All grades move up on Promotion Sunday (first Sunday in June), at which time graduating 5th graders will join our EXCEL Youth program called Discover 612.


All children must be signed in before going to class each service. This allows for a safe release following service as well as adequate Teacher staffing of the classrooms. Each child will receive a nametag and a class card, while each parent will receive an alphanumeric receipt necessary to retrieve your child(ren) from class. Check-in is open from 9:30am – 10:30am on Sundays. On first Wednesdays Check-in is open from 6:30pm – 7:30pm and children need to be dropped off in their classrooms by 7:45pm. Any children not checked in and in their classrooms on time will need to sit in the sanctuary with their parents.

Classroom Check-In

Once your child has been signed into EXCEL Kids, they are ready to go to class. For safety reasons, children must be accompanied to and from class by a parent, guardian, or other responsible party at least 16 years of age. Once a child has been checked into class their responsible party must not leave church property. If an emergency situation were to arise we would need the ability to quickly contact you.

Checking on Your Child

Lower and Upper Elementary-aged children are less likely to require parental observation during service times. We do however, understand that sometimes first-time visitors may feel the need to make sure their child is doing fine in class. You are welcome to check on your child by locating the EXCEL Kids Service Supervisor and inquiring of your child’s status. In the event you would like to see your child, the Supervisor will gladly pull your child from class to avoid distracting the other students and disrupting the flow of class.

Classroom Check-Out

By policy, children are ONLY released to the parent or guardian who presents their child’s matching alphanumeric receipt. If you happen to lose your receipt, your child’s Teacher will call the EXCEL Kids Service Supervisor. The Supervisor may ask to verify your identification by ID and/or by looking you up in the computer system.

Wellness Policy

For the protection of all the children in EXCEL Kids we cannot accept children who are experiencing: non-clear drainage from nose and eyes, fever of 100 degrees or above, vomiting or diarrhea, inflamed mouth and/or throat, ringworm, chicken pox or head lice. We request that you not place your child in EXCEL Kids while they are experiencing illness symptoms. Thank you for helping us keep EXCEL Kids a healthy place for all.


Journey Kids students are encouraged to exercise self-discipline and make right choices. Children are given clear, age-appropriate, rules to follow in the form of standard classroom rules. Each teacher encourages positive behavior with redirection and restatement of the classroom rules when necessary. In the event a child displays disregard for basic classroom expectations, including but not limited to overly aggressive behaviors, the service supervisor will be called to speak to the student apart from the class. If further correction becomes necessary, the parent or guardian will be contacted. Under no circumstances will verbal threats, corporal or physical punishment be used. Be reminded of our mission and commitment to create a pleasant, warm, and safe environment for our children to receive impartation and instruction from God’s Word. We are committed to maintaining an atmosphere that is free from aggression, intimidation, and negativity, especially from our teachers.

Contacting Parents During Service

In the rare instance a parent is called to a classroom during service, your students’ name and location will appear on the service screens with a request for the parent to go to that location. Reasons a parent may be called to a classroom vary. It may be that the child is ill, hurt, or exhibiting extreme or inconsolable behaviors. We avoid pulling parents out of service unless it is absolutely necessary. It is our goal to take extreme care of the children with the full confidence of each parent or guardian, allowing them the opportunity of an enjoyable service.


Snacks are provided each service. Snack options vary and include a variety of healthier alternatives to snacks higher in sugar content. As a beverage we offer water in classes, with juice as an option for higher grades. Parents are encouraged to provide snack for children with food allergies or who have restricted diets. As a practice, non-sweet snacks are provided for students allergic to sugar.

Mission Statement

1. Complement

Our mission is to complement the teachings of the Pastors in a practical manner for children in their respective age groups.

2. Supplement

Our mission is to complement the teachings of the Pastors in a practical manner for children in their respective age groups.

3. Environment

Our mission is to create a pleasant, warm, and safe environment for our children to receive impartation and instruction from God’s Word. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining an atmosphere that is free from aggression, intimidation, and negativity both from our staff and other children.

4. Empowerment

Our mission is to impart empowerment for children to live victorious lives in their schools, neighborhoods, and homes, even where God’s Word and love do not take precedence.

5. Investment

Our mission is to make an investment in our children during their key developmental years that will yield a productive return throughout their lives. We endeavor to be “remarkable” in the lives of our children, making an impression that will be remembered for decades to come.

Lesson Overviews

The Journey Kids Curriculum offers a rich and challenging adventure into Biblical truth and presents practical life applications with Wisdom, Understanding, and Revelation Knowledge. Each lesson, 3 Year Old through 5th grade, includes an objective; background scriptures; memory verse; in-depth outline; definitions; object lessons; confessions of faith; and a craft, game, or activity to reinforce learning.


Proverbs 18:21 says, death and life are in the power of the tongue. Words are very powerful and can affect your life and your child’s life. In Journey Kids we empower your kids to live fruitful productive lives in Christ.

We teach them early how to speak life over themselves, their family members, and over every situation that may arise. We teach them to walk in Spiritual Authority and to use confessions to bring the Word of God to pass.

Download Journey Confessions