Exceleration Bible Study Cancelled

EXCEL Church Main Sanctuary 3563 Philips Highway, Building C, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Due to the inclement weather. Our Wednesday night service has been cancelled because of the storm. The decision will give our community time to prepare for the forecasted impact and evacuate if they choose. Safety is the absolute priority. Please continue to pray for those in the path of the storm. Information on shelters in […]

Abundant Life Groups

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

EXCEL church family, Pastors Derrick and Zelphia have been declaring that we ALL would become home owners. So, during our Abundant Life Group on Sunday, September 8th at 8:00am, Minister Cici Carter, a top realtor in Jacksonville, Florida will be teaching us how to buy a home. Let’s EXCEL in home ownership!  These sessions begin at 8am on the second Sunday of every […]

Jersey Sunday

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

We are excited about Jersey Sunday!  Come wearing your favorite team’s Jersey for a chance to win a prize for being dressed with the most team spirit and to enter into a raffle drawing. The fun will begin early this year.  For those that arrive to service before 10:00 am, there will be several special drawings […]

Hearts for the House

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Come join us for “Hearts for the House”. Jump in to help keep the house of God in Excellence. We will tackle some projects along with our routine monthly deep cleaning. Get to know your Excel family as we serve and fellowship together. We look forward to seeing you there!

New Member Growth Track – 4 Essentials to EXCEL in God Part 2 – Ambassador & Servant of Jesus Christ

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Our New Member Growth Track is designed to help you connect with your church, discover your God given strengths, EXCEL in God, and EXCEL Life. The Growth Track is made up of the following four steps: Step 1 - New Members Orientation (1st Sundays, 8:00 am - 10:00 am) Step 2 - Discover Your Strengths […]

Baby Dedication

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Our next Baby Dedication will be held on Sunday, September 29th at 9:00 AM. If you or a loved one has a child two years old or younger that you would like to have dedicated to the Lord, you may sign up below:

Event Series Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Show your support and wear PINK with us throughout the month of October.  We want to honor those affected by breast cancer and serve as a reminder to take steps for early detection. We have our Pink Excel shirts available online.  Click below to purchase yours today!

Event Series Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Show your support and wear PINK with us throughout the month of October.  We want to honor those affected by breast cancer and serve as a reminder to take steps for early detection. We have our Pink Excel shirts available online.  Click below to purchase yours today!

Event Series Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Show your support and wear PINK with us throughout the month of October.  We want to honor those affected by breast cancer and serve as a reminder to take steps for early detection. We have our Pink Excel shirts available online.  Click below to purchase yours today!

Abundant Life Groups

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

EXCEL Church, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. During our Abundant Life Group on Sunday, October 13th, Christie Johnson ARNP, will be sharing practical wisdom on Breast Cancer prevention including breast exams, mammograms, and an overall healthy lifestyle. Come be empowered to EXCEL in your health!  These sessions begin at 8am on the second Sunday of every month.