New Member Growth Track – 4 Essentials to EXCEL in God Part 2 – Ambassador & Servant of Jesus Christ

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Our New Member Growth Track is designed to help you connect with your church, discover your God given strengths, EXCEL in God, and EXCEL Life. The Growth Track is made up of the following four steps: Step 1 - New Members Orientation (1st Sundays, 8:00 am - 10:00 am) Step 2 - Discover Your Strengths […]

Event Series Back to School Drive

Back to School Drive

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Help get our kids ready for a productive school year with our Back to School Drive! We will be collecting school supplies every Sunday and Wednesday in July. Our collection bins will be located in the atrium before and after services. Parents if you are in need of assistance of school supplies please register your […]

Event Series Back to School Drive

Back to School Drive

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Help get our kids ready for a productive school year with our Back to School Drive! We will be collecting school supplies every Sunday and Wednesday in July. Our collection bins will be located in the atrium before and after services. Parents if you are in need of assistance of school supplies please register your […]

Departmental Leader Meeting

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Attention Excel Department Leaders! On Saturday, August 3rd at 10 am, Pastors will be meeting with us for a powerful time of direction and impartation as we continue to excel in this new year. You are anointed to engage, encourage, enrich, empower and excel. So, if you are a department leader, mark your calendars and […]

Volunteer Meeting

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Excel Volunteers and team members, if you are actively serving in a ministry, fellowship or department within Excel, this message is for you! Mark your calendars now to join Pastors Derrick and Zelphia for a special time of impartation and training. This is a closed meeting for active Excel Volunteers only.

New Academic Year Prayer

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

The new Academic Year is starting soon. If you have graduated High School and are about to start college, an internship, a career, or join the military – if you are an educator, work in the school system in any capacity, or volunteer with children and youth, Pastors Derrick and Zelphia invite you to receive […]

Abundant Life Groups

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

EXCEL family and friends, come out to our Abundant Life Group session on Sunday, August 11th at 8:00am. You will be learning “The Advantages of Life Insurance” facilitated by a local Financial Advisor. Come learn why it is important to have life insurance, what kind of insurance fits in your season of life, and how much life insurance you should have. You will leave this session empowered to EXCEL […]

New Member Growth Track – 4 Essentials to EXCEL in God Part 2 – Ambassador & Servant of Jesus Christ

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Our New Member Growth Track is designed to help you connect with your church, discover your God given strengths, EXCEL in God, and EXCEL Life. The Growth Track is made up of the following four steps: Step 1 - New Members Orientation (1st Sundays, 8:00 am - 10:00 am) Step 2 - Discover Your Strengths […]

Exceleration Bible Study Cancelled

EXCEL Church Main Sanctuary 3563 Philips Highway, Building C, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Due to the inclement weather. Our Wednesday night service has been cancelled because of the storm. The decision will give our community time to prepare for the forecasted impact and evacuate if they choose. Safety is the absolute priority. Please continue to pray for those in the path of the storm. Information on shelters in […]