Easter Service

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Come ready to receive a powerful message from Pastor Derrick Raines as we celebrate our risen King.

Event Series Health & Fitness Month

Health & Fitness Month

Jacksonville Ice & Sportsplex 3605 Philips Hwy, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Excel Church, come participate as we host our annual Health and Fitness Month each Thursday night in April. We will have activities for adults of all ages and all fitness levels. Below are some of the activities we will have to offer: Yoga - Week 1 (April 4th) High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout! - Week 2 (April 11th) […]

New Member Growth Track – 4 Essentials to EXCEL in God Part 2 – Ambassador & Servant of Jesus Christ

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Our New Member Growth Track is designed to help you connect with your church, discover your God given strengths, EXCEL in God, and EXCEL Life. The Growth Track is made up of the following four steps: Step 1 - New Members Orientation (1st Sundays, 8:00 am - 10:00 am) Step 2 - Discover Your Strengths […]

Volunteer Meeting

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Excel Volunteers and team members, if you are actively serving in a ministry, fellowship or department within Excel, this message is for you! Mark your calendars now to join Pastors Derrick and Zelphia for a special time of impartation and training. This is a closed meeting for active Excel Volunteers only.

Event Series Financial Empowerment Series

Financial Empowerment Series

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

EXEL Church invites you to join us each Sunday @ 10:00am. Join Pastor Derrick Raines as he teaches how to implement practical Wisdom to help you advance in your finances and live with no lack. Finances are a major part of every person’s life however, few people take time to learn how to achieve satisfaction, […]

Event Series Financial Empowerment Series

Financial Empowerment Series

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

EXEL Church invites you to join us each Sunday @ 10:00am. Join Pastor Derrick Raines as he teaches how to implement practical Wisdom to help you advance in your finances and live with no lack. Finances are a major part of every person’s life however, few people take time to learn how to achieve satisfaction, […]

Event Series Financial Empowerment Series

Financial Empowerment Series

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

EXEL Church invites you to join us each Sunday @ 10:00am. Join Pastor Derrick Raines as he teaches how to implement practical Wisdom to help you advance in your finances and live with no lack. Finances are a major part of every person’s life however, few people take time to learn how to achieve satisfaction, […]

New Member Growth Track – 4 Essentials to EXCEL in God Part 2 – Ambassador & Servant of Jesus Christ

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Our New Member Growth Track is designed to help you connect with your church, discover your God given strengths, EXCEL in God, and EXCEL Life. The Growth Track is made up of the following four steps: Step 1 - New Members Orientation (1st Sundays, 8:00 am - 10:00 am) Step 2 - Discover Your Strengths […]

Event Series Financial Empowerment Series

Financial Empowerment Series

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

EXEL Church invites you to join us each Sunday @ 10:00am. Join Pastor Derrick Raines as he teaches how to implement practical Wisdom to help you advance in your finances and live with no lack. Finances are a major part of every person’s life however, few people take time to learn how to achieve satisfaction, […]

Event Series Financial Empowerment Series

Financial Empowerment Series

Excel Church 3563 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL, United States

EXEL Church invites you to join us each Sunday @ 10:00am. Join Pastor Derrick Raines as he teaches how to implement practical Wisdom to help you advance in your finances and live with no lack. Finances are a major part of every person’s life however, few people take time to learn how to achieve satisfaction, […]